OpenAlex Citation Counts

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OpenAlex is a bibliographic catalogue of scientific papers, authors and institutions accessible in open access mode, named after the Library of Alexandria. It's citation coverage is excellent and I hope you will find utility in this listing of citing articles!

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Requested Article:

Teaching in Times of COVID-19: The Evaluation of Distance Teaching in Elementary and Secondary Schools in Germany
Rebecca Schneider, Karoline A. Sachse, Stefan Schipolowski, et al.
Frontiers in Education (2021) Vol. 6
Open Access | Times Cited: 24

Showing 24 citing articles:

Long-Term Consequences of Repeated School Closures During the COVID-19 Pandemic for Reading and Mathematics Competencies
Johannes Schult, Nicole Mahler, Benjamin Fauth, et al.
Frontiers in Education (2022) Vol. 13
Open Access | Times Cited: 33

Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Children and Adolescents from the Perspective of Teachers
Birgit Senft, Astrid Liebhauser, Ina Tremschnig, et al.
Frontiers in Education (2022) Vol. 7
Open Access | Times Cited: 23

Investigating learning processes through analysis of navigation behavior using log files
Kerstin Huber, Maria Bannert
Journal of Computing in Higher Education (2023) Vol. 36, Iss. 3, pp. 683-701
Open Access | Times Cited: 8

Transforming Foreign Language Education: Exploring Educators’ Practices and Perspectives in the (Post-)Pandemic Era
Alice Gruber, Eva Matt, Vera Leier
Education Sciences (2023) Vol. 13, Iss. 6, pp. 601-601
Open Access | Times Cited: 7

COVID-stressed schools struggled to teach mathematics
Christiane Lange‐Küttner
Acta Psychologica (2024) Vol. 244, pp. 104174-104174
Open Access | Times Cited: 2

Challenges of the Coronavirus Pandemic as an Opportunity for Sustainable Digital Learning in Vocational Education and Training (VET)
Silke Seyffer, Melanie Hochmuth, Andreas Frey
Sustainability (2022) Vol. 14, Iss. 13, pp. 7692-7692
Open Access | Times Cited: 8

The importance of parents for key outcomes among socio-economically disadvantaged students: Parents’ role in emergency remote education
Sebastian Nicolas Thomas Vogel, Justine Stang‐Rabrig, Nele McElvany
Social Psychology of Education (2023) Vol. 26, Iss. 6, pp. 1565-1591
Open Access | Times Cited: 4

How has distance schooling during the COVID-19-pandemic affected digital education of primary school children? A systematic review
Andreas Dertinger, Michaela Krämer, Franziska Koschei, et al.
Zeitschrift für Grundschulforschung (2023) Vol. 16, Iss. 2, pp. 449-464
Open Access | Times Cited: 4

Comparison of Parent-Rated Teaching Activities During the First and Second School Lockdowns and Its Association With Students’ Learning Outcomes During Distant Teaching
Ricarda Steinmayr, Rebecca Lazarides, Linda Wirthwein, et al.
Zeitschrift für Psychologie (2023) Vol. 231, Iss. 3, pp. 192-203
Open Access | Times Cited: 4

The Urgency of principal instructional leadership by strengthening the Pancasila student profile
Nelfia Adi, Sulastri Sulastri, Nellitawati
AIP conference proceedings (2024) Vol. 3116, pp. 040045-040045
Open Access | Times Cited: 1

Perspektiven von schulischen Akteur:innen für die Gestaltung Digitaler Bildung im Grundschulalter
Cindy Bärnreuther, Andreas Dertinger, Rudolf Kammerl
MedienPädagogik Zeitschrift für Theorie und Praxis der Medienbildung (2024), pp. 293-321
Open Access | Times Cited: 1

Ein Mosaik an Erkenntnissen
Andreas Dertinger, Michaela Krämer, Rudolf Kammerl
MedienPädagogik Zeitschrift für Theorie und Praxis der Medienbildung (2023), pp. 461-494
Open Access | Times Cited: 3

COVID-19-related school closures and mathematical performance—findings from a study with grade 3 students in Germany
Hedwig Gasteiger, Karoline A. Sachse, K. Schumann, et al.
Frontiers in Education (2023) Vol. 8
Open Access | Times Cited: 2

Learning From Experience: Perceptions of Socio-Emotional Development Among German Students During COVID-19
Irina Catrinel Crăciun
Emerging Adulthood (2024) Vol. 12, Iss. 3, pp. 426-437
Closed Access

Digital Education in German Primary Schools: A Challenge for School Leadership
Andreas Dertinger, Cindy Bärnreuther
Communications in computer and information science (2024), pp. 44-58
Closed Access

Schule in Distanz – Kindheit in Krise. Eine Einleitung
Jürgen Budde, Drorit Lengyel
Erziehungswissenschaftliche Edition: Persönlichkeitsbildung in Schule (2022), pp. 1-16
Closed Access | Times Cited: 3

Education in a pandemic, learning to guarantee inclusive education from an approach psychosocial
Ana M. Torres, Sergio Sánchez
Environment and Social Psychology (2024) Vol. 9, Iss. 6
Open Access

Reading Comprehension and the COVID‐19 Pandemic: What Happened and What Can We Do About It?
Janice F. Almasi, Dongyang Yuan
The Reading Teacher (2023) Vol. 77, Iss. 3, pp. 383-391
Closed Access | Times Cited: 1

Ratu Syafianisa Nuzulismah, Harry Budi Santoso, Panca O. Hadi Putra
Jurnal Ilmiah KURSOR (2023) Vol. 11, Iss. 4, pp. 165-178
Open Access | Times Cited: 1

"Covid-19 Aftermath for Educational System in Europe. The positives "
Filip Nalaskowski
Dialogo (2023) Vol. 9, Iss. 2, pp. 59-67
Closed Access

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