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On the dynamics of Zoom fatigue
Jesper Aagaard
Convergence The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies (2022) Vol. 28, Iss. 6, pp. 1878-1891
Open Access | Times Cited: 27
Jesper Aagaard
Convergence The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies (2022) Vol. 28, Iss. 6, pp. 1878-1891
Open Access | Times Cited: 27
Showing 1-25 of 27 citing articles:
Sociality and Embodiment: Online Communication During and After Covid-19
Lucy Osler, Dan Zahavi
Foundations of Science (2022) Vol. 28, Iss. 4, pp. 1125-1142
Open Access | Times Cited: 47
Lucy Osler, Dan Zahavi
Foundations of Science (2022) Vol. 28, Iss. 4, pp. 1125-1142
Open Access | Times Cited: 47
Liminal design: A conceptual framework and three-step approach for developing technology that delivers transcendence and deeper experiences
Johan Liedgren, Pieter Desmet, Andrea Gaggioli
Frontiers in Psychology (2023) Vol. 14
Open Access | Times Cited: 16
Johan Liedgren, Pieter Desmet, Andrea Gaggioli
Frontiers in Psychology (2023) Vol. 14
Open Access | Times Cited: 16
Media logic and educational micro-content: Presentational themes and approaches on TikTok
Jandy Luik, Dwi Setiawan, Ronald Hasudungan Irianto Sitindjak
The Communication Review (2025), pp. 1-27
Closed Access
Jandy Luik, Dwi Setiawan, Ronald Hasudungan Irianto Sitindjak
The Communication Review (2025), pp. 1-27
Closed Access
I tweet, therefore I am: a systematic review on social media use and disorders of the social brain
Nancy Yang, Bernard J. Crespi
BMC Psychiatry (2025) Vol. 25, Iss. 1
Open Access
Nancy Yang, Bernard J. Crespi
BMC Psychiatry (2025) Vol. 25, Iss. 1
Open Access
From emotional interruptions to wilful disruptions: Zine-making as a post-qualitative method for locating, articulating, navigating, and doing emotion in research
Lisa Bradley, Amanda Ptolomey, Nughmana Mirza
Closed Access
Lisa Bradley, Amanda Ptolomey, Nughmana Mirza
Closed Access
Interaction rituals and technology: A review essay
Lars E. F. Johannessen
Poetics (2023) Vol. 98, pp. 101765-101765
Open Access | Times Cited: 10
Lars E. F. Johannessen
Poetics (2023) Vol. 98, pp. 101765-101765
Open Access | Times Cited: 10
Trade-offs in Coordination Strategies for Duet Jazz Performances Subject to Network Delay and Jitter
Huw Cheston, Ian Cross, Peter M. C. Harrison
Music Perception An Interdisciplinary Journal (2024) Vol. 42, Iss. 1, pp. 48-72
Open Access | Times Cited: 1
Huw Cheston, Ian Cross, Peter M. C. Harrison
Music Perception An Interdisciplinary Journal (2024) Vol. 42, Iss. 1, pp. 48-72
Open Access | Times Cited: 1
Shaping Social Media Minds: Scaffolding Empathy in Digitally Mediated Interactions?
Carmen Moßner, Sven Walter
Topoi (2024) Vol. 43, Iss. 3, pp. 645-658
Open Access | Times Cited: 1
Carmen Moßner, Sven Walter
Topoi (2024) Vol. 43, Iss. 3, pp. 645-658
Open Access | Times Cited: 1
Social Presence and User Experience: The Influence of the Immersive Virtual Classroom in Synchronous Distance Learning
Juan Fernando Flórez Marulanda, César A. Collazos, Julio Ariel Hurtado Alegría
Communications in computer and information science (2024), pp. 286-300
Closed Access | Times Cited: 1
Juan Fernando Flórez Marulanda, César A. Collazos, Julio Ariel Hurtado Alegría
Communications in computer and information science (2024), pp. 286-300
Closed Access | Times Cited: 1
Learning to walk and talk (again): what developmental psychology can teach us about online intersubjectivity
Lucy Osler, David Ekdahl
Philosophical Explorations (2024) Vol. 27, Iss. 2, pp. 237-250
Closed Access | Times Cited: 1
Lucy Osler, David Ekdahl
Philosophical Explorations (2024) Vol. 27, Iss. 2, pp. 237-250
Closed Access | Times Cited: 1
Excuse me professor, you’re on mute – a qualitative exploration of experiences of video conferencing and zoom fatigue in university students
Karishma Godara, Nisha Phakey, Krishan Kumar Pandey
Fatigue Biomedicine Health & Behavior (2024) Vol. 12, Iss. 4, pp. 278-292
Closed Access | Times Cited: 1
Karishma Godara, Nisha Phakey, Krishan Kumar Pandey
Fatigue Biomedicine Health & Behavior (2024) Vol. 12, Iss. 4, pp. 278-292
Closed Access | Times Cited: 1
The emotional ambiguities of healthcare professionals’ platform experiences
Veronica Moretti, Riccardo Pronzato
Social Science & Medicine (2024) Vol. 357, pp. 117185-117185
Open Access | Times Cited: 1
Veronica Moretti, Riccardo Pronzato
Social Science & Medicine (2024) Vol. 357, pp. 117185-117185
Open Access | Times Cited: 1
Behind Videoconferencing Fatigue at Work
Olga Abramova, Margarita Gladkaya
Business & Information Systems Engineering (2024)
Open Access | Times Cited: 1
Olga Abramova, Margarita Gladkaya
Business & Information Systems Engineering (2024)
Open Access | Times Cited: 1
Networked Learning and Three Promises of Phenomenology
Lucy Osler
Research in networked learning (2024), pp. 23-43
Closed Access | Times Cited: 1
Lucy Osler
Research in networked learning (2024), pp. 23-43
Closed Access | Times Cited: 1
Is physical co-presence a prerequisite for Durkheimian collective effervescence? Reflections on remote working during the COVID-19 pandemic
Tom Vine
Culture and Organization (2023) Vol. 29, Iss. 5, pp. 380-396
Open Access | Times Cited: 2
Tom Vine
Culture and Organization (2023) Vol. 29, Iss. 5, pp. 380-396
Open Access | Times Cited: 2
Trade-offs in Coordination Strategies for Networked Jazz Performances
Huw Cheston, Ian Cross, Peter M. C. Harrison
Open Access | Times Cited: 2
Huw Cheston, Ian Cross, Peter M. C. Harrison
Open Access | Times Cited: 2
Chapter 6. Media as cookie cutters
Daniel Pfurtscheller
Pragmatics & beyond. New series (2024), pp. 124-155
Closed Access
Daniel Pfurtscheller
Pragmatics & beyond. New series (2024), pp. 124-155
Closed Access
La formation à la cotation du retrait relationnel avec l’échelle ADBB et M-ADBB en e-learning
Alexandra Déprez, Jean-Hugues Guillon
Devenir (2024) Vol. Vol. 36, Iss. 3, pp. 206-225
Closed Access
Alexandra Déprez, Jean-Hugues Guillon
Devenir (2024) Vol. Vol. 36, Iss. 3, pp. 206-225
Closed Access
Does Self-View Mode Generate More Videoconferencing Fatigue in Women than Men? An Experiment Using EEG Signals
Jin Xu, Eoin Whelan, Ann O’Brien, et al.
Cyberpsychology Behavior and Social Networking (2024) Vol. 27, Iss. 6, pp. 426-430
Closed Access
Jin Xu, Eoin Whelan, Ann O’Brien, et al.
Cyberpsychology Behavior and Social Networking (2024) Vol. 27, Iss. 6, pp. 426-430
Closed Access
Using XR to enhance effectiveness and group identification in remote group therapy for anxiety disorders: A critical analysis (Preprint)
Ayoub Bouguettaya, Elias Aboujaoude
Closed Access
Ayoub Bouguettaya, Elias Aboujaoude
Closed Access
Using XR to enhance effectiveness and group identification in remote group therapy for anxiety disorders: A critical analysis (Preprint)
Ayoub Bouguettaya, Elias Aboujaoude
JMIR Formative Research (2024) Vol. 8, pp. e64494-e64494
Open Access
Ayoub Bouguettaya, Elias Aboujaoude
JMIR Formative Research (2024) Vol. 8, pp. e64494-e64494
Open Access
Predicting Engagement of Older People’s Virtual Teams from Video Call Analysis
Nicoletta Noceti, Simone Campisi, Alice Chirico, et al.
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction (2024), pp. 1-12
Closed Access
Nicoletta Noceti, Simone Campisi, Alice Chirico, et al.
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction (2024), pp. 1-12
Closed Access
My body is a short-circuit that doesn’t need fixing: a disabled remediation of Zoom
Rowan Melling
Communication Culture and Critique (2024)
Open Access
Rowan Melling
Communication Culture and Critique (2024)
Open Access
Balca Arda, Ayşegül Akdemir
İmgelem (2023) Vol. 7, Iss. 13, pp. 711-734
Open Access
Balca Arda, Ayşegül Akdemir
İmgelem (2023) Vol. 7, Iss. 13, pp. 711-734
Open Access
Digital Natives’ Academician-Student Relationships
Ahmet İyici, Ülfet Kutoğlu Kuruç
AJIT-e Academic Journal of Information Technology (2023) Vol. 14, Iss. 55, pp. 377-395
Open Access
Ahmet İyici, Ülfet Kutoğlu Kuruç
AJIT-e Academic Journal of Information Technology (2023) Vol. 14, Iss. 55, pp. 377-395
Open Access