Release Notes (macOS)

Version 2020.5

Est-ce que vous parlez français ? Thanks to @f_renaville Open Access Helper (macOS) does now have a French translation. Thank you François The other feature of this version is that I removed the code that would send anonymous usage statistics to me once a month. You always had full control over whether to send the […]

Version 2020.3

This version introduces OpenCitations to Open Access Helper. A badge will show the number of times the article you are viewing has been cited, helping you easily identify the most popular research.  Furthermore a number of smaller performance enhancements and bug fixes are included.

Version 2020.1

In this version I’ve packed a lot of useful features, including: * you will now see “version information”, as you hover over the orange button. This will indicate to you whether the found Open Access version is the “submitted version”, “accepted version” or “published version” * if you’d like you can enable support for CORE […]

Version 1.6

Bug fix, which caused an unnoticeable crash in the background Stability to delete iCloud Bookmarks, which you would have created in the iOS partner app Ssupport for in highlight & search Ssupport for (Single Page Application) for Open Access Detection (DOI) Sa slightly improved layout

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