Release Notes (macOS)

Version 2025.3

About 2025.3 This update brings major bug fixes and introduces some changes for users who have not selected an institutional affiliation. These changes reflect intended behavior but are now properly functioning. I found and fixed these bugs after greatly enhancing my testing framework. Going forward, each new version will be tested against a total of 45 end-to-end tests, and I […]

Version 2025.2

We’re starting the new year strong with Open Access Helper 2025.2, introducing a powerful new feature to help researchers identify retracted scientific papers with ease. Here’s what’s new in this version: New Feature: Retraction Watch Integration Stay informed and avoid citing retracted papers! Open Access Helper now integrates Retraction Watch data to highlight retracted scientific papers. […]

Version 2025.1 (all browsers)

I’m pleased to announce the release of Open Access Helper Version 2025.1 for Safari, Chrome, Edge, and Firefox! This update brings significant enhancements and fixes to improve your experience. What’s New? 1. Improved Detection of Open Access Better recognition of Open Access and free-to-read content directly on publisher websites. 2. Enhanced OpenAthens and EZProxy Support Expanded support […]

Version 2023.12 (all browser)

Happy Holidays! This update brings minor bug fixes for all versions, but for institutions using Google Chrome & Microsoft Edge it should now be possible to roll out the extension to all institutional computers and pre-configure the institution. Please contact me at if you would like details on how to use this new feature!

Version 2023.8 (all browsers)

As you are getting ready for the new academic year, I am happy to report that Version 2023.8 is starting to roll out to a browser near you. Updates to the Open Access Badge Open Access Helper now uses a new icon, when a user is already at the Open Access copy of the article. […]


All Versions: This version brings improvements to the web extensions Settings screen. The screen has been redesigned to show fewer options at once and offer an overall cleaner and more modern user experience. iOS / iPadOS: Improvements to OpenAlex support within the app: Enhancements to analytics collection: When it comes to analytics, I would like […]

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