Release Notes (iOS)

2022.1 (all versions)

Version 2022.1 was released on 25 December and further unifies the code base between Chrome, Firefox & Safari Extension. This all important update enhances stability, introduces a number of bug fixes and a few new features. Institute Specific Highlight & Search Libraries can now provide the search URL for their discovery service and it will […]

Version 2021.3 (iOS / iPadOS)

With this new version I bring two enhancements, which will hopefully make Open Access Helper better for you! I would love to hear from you on how you like these features, or what else you’d like to see implemented. Open Access Search You can now select between and for Open Access Searches. While […]

Version 2021.1

Within the next few days Version 2021.1 of Open Access Helper will be available to you for all platforms. Important Bug Fixes This version fixes various smaller bugs On iOS / iPadOS an error is fixed that allowed certain article to add horizontal scrolling to the detailed view search results New Features In collaboration with […]

Version 2020.6

Over the weekend I released Version 2020.6 of Open Access Helper for iOS. This version improves handling of publisher websites, by adding a number of site specific rules helping identify DOIs, even if they are not within the meta-elements of the page! In other words: Open Access Helper on your phone or tablet does an […]

Versio 2020.4

In this version I enhance your privacy, by removing code, which was designed to share anonymous usage data with me, if you had it enabled. You might ask, why remove it, if it was anonymous? The simple answer is that I didn’t get enough detail to make it valuable and I thus hardly used the […]

Version 2020.3

This version ensures the changed server structure is respected. When you long press a URL and select OA Helper from the share menu, the app will now: try to find a DOI within the URL if no DOI is found, it will offer to open Proxy / Bookmark the URL Lastly, I added a […]

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