
Cookie Consent

Today, I implemented a new cookie consent form for my website. As part of this work I had the tool perform a scan of the cookies used, so I could remove some to the best of my ability. As a result I removed a YouTube embed and replaced it with a more traditional link. Fun […]

2022.7 (iOS, iPadOS)

In addition to the changes to the Safari Extension, Open Access Helper 2022.7 bring support for to the app. OpenAlex is a fully open catalog of the global research system. It’s named after the ancient Library of Alexandria and made by the nonprofit OurResearch. To activate this search provider, select Settings > […]

2022.3 (all versions)

This release brings the following new language to the Web Extension. The translations were mostly done using and if you speak the language and want to provide corrections, I would appreciate it a ton! Italian Polish Portuguese Spanish (Thank you Norbert) Swedish This is in addition to the already supported languages of: Dutch (Thank […]

2022.1 (all versions)

Version 2022.1 was released on 25 December and further unifies the code base between Chrome, Firefox & Safari Extension. This all important update enhances stability, introduces a number of bug fixes and a few new features. Institute Specific Highlight & Search Libraries can now provide the search URL for their discovery service and it will […]

Introducing Open Access Helper Web

When I originally created Open Access Helper for iOS and iPadOS it did the best job it could, considering the limitations of the mobile operating system. With iOS 15 Apple now gives developers the power to build Safari Extensions, which work like they would on the desktop. I am very excited to let you know […]

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